06th April 2020
As part of the Government’s initiative to combat the spread of COVID-19 in the country, Ministry of Education (MOE) issued an official statement on 25th March 2020 to inform that all schools and learning institutes in the country will commence online learning starting from Monday, 30 March 2020. In support of this initiative, UNN as part of its CSR contribution has partnered with Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance and Economy alongside all the three telecommunication companies – DST, imagine and Progresif to provide all time access to identified online learning education applications and platforms for teachers and students to enable remote teaching and access to e-learning solutions. In order to meet this special requirement, UNN has expanded its capacity and configured the network, ensuring access to all identified educational contents are always available at a favourable speed.
Currently, all fixed broadband services with data limits will reduce the available speed when the respective amount of available data (quota) is reached. This is in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in the contract with users’ service provider – DST, imagine or Progresif.
Once the data limit has been reached, UNN will introduce a solution to provide sufficient speed to access to these educational applications and platforms recognised by the Ministry of Education.
FAQ – Online Learning Education Apps & Platforms Access
1. How does it work?
When a customer reaches its data plan limit on any service providers – DST, imagine or Progresif, the connection speed will be reduced in accordance to the terms and conditions stipulated in the contract with users’ service provider. However, under this initiative, UNN will provide access to the selected online education applications and platforms by Ministry of Education in a favourable speed after reaching the data limit, to continuously enable teachers and students to teach and learn remotely.
2. Does it apply to fixed home broadband only?
Yes, it only applies to fixed home broadband including FTTH and Copper for customers with quota-based subscription on all service providers – DST, imagine and Progresif.
3. For Progresif fixed broadband customers, since they do not practice reduced speed after reaching data limits (no throttle), does this initiative apply to them?
Yes, the initiative applies to Progresif fixed broadband as well, same concept will be implemented for this special initiative.
4. Will the same concept be applied to mobile data in the future?
For the time being, there is no plan to apply the same initiative for mobile data. UNN is currently working on the feasibility; in any case that a concept or solution is available, it will be announced at a later stage.
5. Does this apply to enterprise/business accounts?
No, this applies to residential accounts only.
6. Does this access include huge file sharing sites?
This is only applicable within education applications and platforms as defined by MOE. Other huge file sharing websites such as torrents etc, will not be applicable.
7. Will the selected education apps and platforms consume the household’s normal data before data limits are reached?
Yes, the apps and platforms will consume the customers’ normal data usage. This initiative only applies after the normal data reaches its data limit.
8. If a customer do data top up after reaching the data limit, do these apps and platforms consume their top up data or will it continue to be provided access at favourable speed by UNN?
Yes, the education apps and platforms will consume their top up data. Once the top up data is used up, the favourable speed will then apply.
9. How are these education apps and platforms selected and defined?
The online education apps and platforms are defined and identified by Ministry of Education after their consultation with schools, institutes and universities. The list provided to UNN can be flexibly extended as per requirements from the Ministry.
10. Where can the customers access the list of online education apps and platforms?
The respective schools, institutes and universities will share the list and further information with teachers, parents and students accordingly.