Common Industry Challenges


Across diverse industries in Brunei, there are common challenges faced by businesses in their daily operation.

Manpower Productivity

Real-Time Reporting

Risk Management / Compliance

Health, Safety and Enviroment

SMART Solutions


UNN SMART Solutions are curated to enable digitalisation for Brunei’s industries in Support of Wawasan 2035.

UNN’s portfolio of SMART Solutions covers 3 key technical capabilities to enable digitalisation for local industries.

SMART Vision


SMART Sensor


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Service Highlights


Multifunction Platform

Industry-agnostic solution optimising business operations and driving efficiency across organisations.

Complete Solutions

Solutions hosted in UNN’s Data Centres and security with UNN’s Cyber Security Services.

Local Presence

We are your local contact point to discuss and address your business challenges.

Want to know more? Talk to us today!

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